All white people are racist unless they deny it in which case they get to be a white supremacist... heads we win, tails you loose 🤣

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Correct. Your choices are either to embrace white guilt neurosis or white supremacy. A white person cannot be a decent individual who does not support critical race theory and does not accept psychological abuse. These people are ill or cowards.

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The scary thing is they’re actually playing into the hands of genuine white supremacists. I had to research this for my MSc and found this post from Stormfront website (disciple4life, 01/09/22) : ‘Thank you BLM and CRT! You have done what we couldn’t do… plunge them (white people) into the depths of self hate so the only way is up. They will think they see a white tunnel but it will be a person of light holding white hands to lift them up.’

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Yes, all of this white hate should make the average white soccer mom realize who these hostile people are. They are coming for her children. A common sense coalition of rational white people and allies in other ethnic groups is forming out of necessity to stop these anti-white tyrants.

The same thing is happening in the sex and gender world. Decent women, loving parents, and de-transitioners are coming together to stop the sexual anarchists.

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Congrats, you must have caused some unrest a Antioch U! They seem concerned that other students might decide to read or watch your content or even be emboldened to speak out themselves. And yes, given that it’s quite obvious whom they’re referring to and calling a white supremacist transphobe, with nothing to back it up, I’d definitely consult a lawyer if you haven’t already.

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I'm a Canadian and developer of a website called www.blueprintforcanada.ca which (at a high level) is a shared policy platform for school board trustees concerning K-12 education and the impact of woke ideology. An American version of the same site is now in the works. It may be of interest because of the manner in which it tackles hot button cultural issues of our day. We took the liberty of adding one of your YT videos "Social Justice in a Nutshell" to the page below:


We're following your situation with interest and happy to support you and bring publicity to what your school is doing. All the best.

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I think you must sue. Beyond shining a light on their bad faith dogma, it's the only thing you can do it seems.

Horrific tarring and feathering in the public square. They mean to damage you and escape responsibility for their actions.

Good on you.

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I agree with them in this sense. They are a Marxist school dedicated to undermining western civilization. The degree they offer requires that you accept the terms of “social justice”. They took your kindness for weakness and pulled a bait and switch. You thought you were getting an education but all they offer is indoctrination. If you want the degree you must bend the knee. Even then, you will likely be harangued out of the profession. It’s a trap and it’s why so many people are passive towards DIE initiatives at their jobs and SEL in the schools. Jobs and money are on the line. Go against the current and risk drowning.

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I believe I collaborated with Shawn Fitzgerald a bit and may have taken a supervision refresher course with him when I practiced in New Hampshire back in 2010 or so. His statement is the epitome of cowardice. You could file an ethical complaint or a licensure complaint under harassment. The correct response he should be employing with you would be to reach out to dialogue with you about how you believe you were harmed by your professors. One would imagine a provost who is also a therapist might do that.

When I realized how fucked up our profession was becoming, a microcosm of social decline generally, I took a different road that Shawn. I used my influence to offer a differentiated voice for reform. A lot of guys like Shawn took the road most traveled. Lo and behold he is now a provost!

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!!!!!! Sickening, but predictable. I hope you’ve found a good lawyer and know who your real friends are. But don’t live in fear. 🙏

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Beyond parody. Keep your head high Leslie!

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Everyone should be treated with dignity & respect regardless of their race, religion or political affiliation. Universities should be a forum for open discussion without fear of retribution or reprisals. Best of luck with your courageous efforts to ensure equal opportunity for voicing diverse opinions. Such efforts should be rewarded and encourged in an open & dynamic discussion -not censored nor punished.

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Disgusting. They're ensuring noone else speaks out. I wish people weren't such cowards, were going towards 1984 and they're just complacent. Will somebody think of the WOMEN!

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Thank you for standing up for democratic principles! It's mind blowing how brazen these ideologues are. Nobody elected Kendi-DiAngelo and their ideas would never be democratically approved. They can only be imposed surreptitiously with double speak, like anti-racist (which is racist) and defund the police (means abolish the arm of capitalism). I work with working class immigrant communities of all races and they're mostly conservative and rightly anti-socialist from their "lived experiences" in failed socialist experiments. The DEI bs is mostly an elitist white guilt trip and boondoggle for academic consultants. Since it's now being taught in schools as fact and not theory, it's also a direct threat to democracy. Thank you for your courage and eloquence in defense of freedom of speech!

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Since lawsuits are time-consuming and unpleasant, another form of recourse, if it can be done, is to notify all of the alumni of the situation. Maybe "all" is more than you can reach, but possibly there are internet forums for alumni of Antioch. Maybe a Facebook group.

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The vast majority of alumni who attended Antioch went there because they aren’t racist, homophobic and transphobic like she is.

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Your accusations against her, of racisms, homophobia, and transphobia, are false. You should not go around spreading dishonest accusations.

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Her words are proof boo. Sit down.

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Which words? Do you have a link to something in which she advocated racism, homophobia, or transphobia?

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Thanks Mike. I am always willing to engage with respectful opposing views, but I tend to ignore trolls. I appreciate you sticking up for me.

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Just wondering where Jewish people fit into Antioch's cosmology. Most Jews are white (although a very sizeable minority is not), and yet Jews are history's most persecuted people.

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Hi Jon, An excellent piece was just published on this Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews by David Bernstein available at: https://www.amazon.com/Woke-Antisemitism-Progressive-Ideology-Harms/dp/1637587678

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Well, yeah, you are "harming" their ability to indoctrinate. Me too, though my end is more on the social sciencey side. Will include your Substack on my recommended list. You can follow me, if the spirit moves you, here:





but start here:


I think you will enjoy it and its pretty short.

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They are pulling out the term 'white supremacist' at the smallest sign of threat (a student says in public what they teach in private... that's what you did). If publicizing their course material and adding 'this is a bad idea' is enough to provoke this response, well... maybe they're losing?

Because they can only keep hurling that term around for so long before it loses all meaning. I imagine they're going with it because 'fascist' has lost some of its sting from overuse. They've already added 'far' to the 'right' of everyone who is modestly conservative or even centrist. They're running out of rhetorical road.

I choose to see that as a good thing.

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We get you. Just like the racists you just deny your hatred and bigotry.

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No, actually, real racists are pretty open about being racist. It's sort of their thing. Pretty open about who they hate, pretty vocal in their belief that their group is superior. Go read the posts of genuine white supremacists. You only think that racists hide their beliefs in the dark because you're constantly accusing people who aren't racist of racism.

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